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Query and Write Operation Commands

This APIs can be referred here. This module handling all main CRUD operations and all of these are returning BsonDocument to give a higher-level APIs to handle the document.

One caveat that's different from the Mongo is each of these API has additional parameter explain string which default to "" (empty string), or explainVerbosity in case explain already defined before. Any non empty explain value will regarded as Cached Query and will invoke the diagnostic.explain. Available explain values are "allPlansExecution", "queryPlanner", and "executionStats".

The usage of getLastError discouraged as it's backward compability with older Mongo version and unnecessary with Acknowledged Query as the error immediately returned when operation failed.

All APIs are async.

__ here


proc delete(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; coll: string; deletes: seq[BsonDocument];
            ordered = true; wt = bsonNull(); explain = ""): Future[BsonDocument] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc delete(db: Database[Socket]; coll: string; deletes: seq[BsonDocument];
            ordered = true; wt = bsonNull(); explain = ""): BsonDocument {....raises: [
    KeyError, ValueError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, Exception, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc find(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; coll: string; query = bson();
          sort = bsonNull(); selector = bsonNull(); hint = bsonNull(); skip = 0;
          limit = 0; batchSize = 101; singleBatch = false; comment = "";
          maxTimeMS = 0; readConcern = bsonNull(); max = bsonNull();
          min = bsonNull(); returnKey = false; showRecordId = false;
          tailable = false; awaitData = false; oplogReplay = false;
          noCursorTimeout = false; partial = false; collation = bsonNull();
          explain = ""): Future[BsonDocument] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false,
    raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc find(db: Database[Socket]; coll: string; query = bson(); sort = bsonNull();
          selector = bsonNull(); hint = bsonNull(); skip = 0; limit = 0;
          batchSize = 101; singleBatch = false; comment = ""; maxTimeMS = 0;
          readConcern = bsonNull(); max = bsonNull(); min = bsonNull();
          returnKey = false; showRecordId = false; tailable = false;
          awaitData = false; oplogReplay = false; noCursorTimeout = false;
          partial = false; collation = bsonNull(); explain = ""): BsonDocument {.
    ...gcsafe, raises: [ValueError, Exception, KeyError, MongoError, IOError,
                     OSError, SnappyError, ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc findAndModify(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; coll: string; query = bson();
                   sort = bsonNull(); remove = false; update = bsonNull();
                   new = false; fields = bsonNull(); upsert = false;
                   bypass = false; wt = bsonNull(); collation = bsonNull();
                   arrayFilters: seq[BsonDocument] = @[]; explain = ""): Future[
    BsonDocument] {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [
    RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc findAndModify(db: Database[Socket]; coll: string; query = bson();
                   sort = bsonNull(); remove = false; update = bsonNull();
                   new = false; fields = bsonNull(); upsert = false;
                   bypass = false; wt = bsonNull(); collation = bsonNull();
                   arrayFilters: seq[BsonDocument] = @[]; explain = ""): BsonDocument {....raises: [
    ValueError, Exception, KeyError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc getLastError(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; opt = bson()): Future[BsonDocument] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc getLastError(db: Database[Socket]; opt = bson()): BsonDocument {....raises: [
    KeyError, ValueError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, Exception, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc getMore(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; cursorId: int64; collname: string;
             batchSize: int; maxTimeMS = -1): Future[BsonDocument] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc getMore(db: Database[Socket]; cursorId: int64; collname: string;
             batchSize: int; maxTimeMS = -1): BsonDocument {....raises: [KeyError,
    ValueError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, Exception, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc insert(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; coll: string;
            documents: seq[BsonDocument]; ordered = true; wt = bsonNull();
            bypass = false; explain = ""): Future[BsonDocument] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc insert(db: Database[Socket]; coll: string; documents: seq[BsonDocument];
            ordered = true; wt = bsonNull(); bypass = false; explain = ""): BsonDocument {....raises: [
    ValueError, Exception, KeyError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc update(db: Database[AsyncSocket]; coll: string; updates: seq[BsonDocument];
            ordered = true; wt = bsonNull(); bypass = false; explain = ""): Future[
    BsonDocument] {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [
    RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc update(db: Database[Socket]; coll: string; updates: seq[BsonDocument];
            ordered = true; wt = bsonNull(); bypass = false; explain = ""): BsonDocument {....raises: [
    ValueError, Exception, KeyError, MongoError, IOError, OSError, SnappyError,
    ZippyError, SslError, TimeoutError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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