
Excelin - create and read Excel pure Nim

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A library to work with Excel file and/or data.


All available APIs can be find in docs page.


Common operations

All operations available working with Excel worksheet are illustrated in below:

from std/times import now, DateTime, Time, toTime, parse, Month,
    month, year, monthday, toUnix, `$`
from std/strformat import fmt
from std/sugar import `->`, `=>`, dump
from std/strscans import scanf
from std/sequtils import toSeq
import excelin

# `newExcel` returns Excel and Sheet object to immediately work
# when creating an Excel data.
let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()

# we of course can also read from Excel file directly using `readExcel`
# we comment this out because the path is imaginary
#let excelTemplate = readExcel("path/to/template.xlsx")
# note readExcel only returns the Excel itself because there's no
# known default sheet available. Use `excelin.getSheet(Excel,string): Sheet`
# to get the sheet based on its name.

doAssert sheet.name == "Sheet1"
# by default the name sheet is Sheet1

# let's change it to other name
sheet.name = "excelin-example"
doAssert sheet.name == "excelin-example"

# let's add/fetch some row to our sheet
let row1 = sheet.row 1

# excelin.row is immediately creating when the rows if it's not available
# and if it's available, it's returning the existing.
# With excelin.rowNum, we can check its row number.
doAssert row1.rowNum == 1

# let's add another row, this time it's row 5
let row5 = sheet.row 5
doAssert row5.rowNum == 5

# in this case, we immediately get the row 5 even though the existing
# rows in the sheet are only one.

    ForExample = object
        a: string
        b: int

proc `$`(f: ForExample): string = fmt"[{f.a}:{f.b}]"

# let's put some values in row cells
let nao = now()
row1["A"] = "this is string"
row1["C"] = 256
row1["E"] = 42.42

row1["B"] = nao # Excelin support DateTime or Time and
                # by default it will be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:dd.fff'.'zz
                # e.g.: 2200-12-01T22:10:23.456+01

row1["D"] = "2200/12/01" # we put the date as string for later example when fetching
                         # using supplied converter function from cell value

row1["F"] = $ForExample(a: "A", b: 200)
row1["H"] = -111
let srclink = Hyperlink(
  target: "https://github.com/mashingan/excelin",
  text: "excelin github page",
  tooltip: "lakad matataag, excelin excelin",
row1["J"] = srclink

# notice above example we arbitrarily chose the column and by current implementation
# Excel data won't add unnecessary empty cells. In other words, sparse row cells.
# When we're sure working with large cells and often have to update its cell value,
# we can supply the optional argument `cfFilled` to make our cells in the row filled
# preemptively.

let row2 = sheet.row(2, cfFilled) # default is cfSparse
clear row2

# While example above the new row is already empty by default,
# we can clear all cells in the row with `clear` proc.
# now let's fetch the data we inputted
doAssert row1["A", string] == "this is string"
doAssert row1.getCell[:uint]("C") == 256
doAssert row1["H", int] == -111
doAssert row1["B", DateTime].toTime.toUnix == nao.toTime.toUnix
doAssert row1["B", Time].toUnix == nao.toTime.toUnix
doAssert row1["E", float] == 42.42
let destlink = row1["J", Hyperlink]
doAssert destlink.target == srclink.target
doAssert destlink.text == srclink.text
doAssert destlink.tooltip == srclink.tooltip

# in above example, we fetched various values from its designated cell position
# using the two kind of function, `getCell` and `[]`. `[]` often used for
# elementary/primitive types those supported by Excelin by default. `getCell`
# has 3rd parameter, a closure with signature `string -> R`, which default to `nil`,
# that will give users the flexibility to read the string value representation
# to the what intended to convert. We'll see it below
# note also that we need to compare to its second for DateTime|Time instead of directly using
# times.`==` because the comparison precision up to nanosecond, something we
# can't provide in this example

let dt = row1.getCell[:DateTime]("D",
  (s: string) -> DateTime => (
    dump s; result = parse(s, "yyyy/MM/dd"); dump result))
doAssert dt.year == 2200
doAssert dt.month == mDec
doAssert dt.monthday == 1

let fex = row1.getCell[:ForExample]("F", func(s: string): ForExample =
    discard scanf(s, "[$w:$i]", result.a, result.b)
doAssert fex.a == "A"
doAssert fex.b == 200

# above examples we provide two example of using closure for converting
# string representation of cell value to our intended object. With this,
# users can roll their own conversion way to interpret the cell data.

# Following the pattern like sequtils.map with sequtils.mapIt and others,
# we also provide the shorthand with excelin.getCellIt

let dtIt = row1.getCellIt[:DateTime]("D", parse(it, "yyyy/MM/dd"))
doAssert dtIt.year == 2200
doAssert dtIt.month == mDec
doAssert dtIt.monthday == 1

let fexIt = row1.getCellIt[:ForExample]("F", (
    discard scanf(it, "[$w:$i]", result.a, result.b)))
doAssert fexIt.a == "A"
doAssert fexIt.b == 200

# We also provide helpers `toNum` and `toCol` to convert string-int column
# representation. Usually when we're working with array/seq of data,
# we want to access the column string but we only have the int, so this
# helpers will come handy.

let row11 = sheet.row 11
for i in 0 ..< 10: # both toCol and toNum is starting from zero.
    row11[i.toCol] = i.toCol
# and let's see whether it's same or not
for i, c in toSeq['A'..'J']:
    doAssert row11[$c, string].toNum == i

# Starting from version 0.5.0, we add rows iterator for sheet and colums iterator
# for row together with its last accessor. Let's see it in action.

doAssert row1.lastCol == "J"        # lastCol returning string column
doAssert row11.lastCol == "J"
doAssert sheet.lastRow.rowNum == 11 # lastRow returning Row

for col in row11.cols:
  stdout.write col
# will print out:

for row in sheet.rows:
  stdout.write row.rowNum, ", "
# will print out:
#1, 11, 
# note that row 2 and 5 are not shown because both are empty row even though we did access both row.
# Fill with some value in its cells to make it not empty, and `Row.clear` does the reverse
# by clearing all cells in a row.

doAssert row2.empty
doAssert row5.empty

# finally, we have 2 options to access the binary Excel data, using `$` and
# `writeFile`. Both of procs are the usual which `$` is stringify (that's
# to return the string of Excel) and `writeFile` is accepting string path
# to where the Excel data will be written.

let toSendToWire = $excel

# note that the current excelin.`$` is using the `writeFile` first to temporarily
# write to file in $TEMP dir because the current zip lib dependency doesn't
# provide the `$` to get the raw data from built zip directly.

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Another example here we work directly with Sheet instead of the Rows and/or cells.

import excelin

# prepare our excel
let (excel, _) = newExcel()
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet1"]

# above we see that our excel has seq string with a member
# "Sheet1". The "Sheet1" is the default sheet when creating
# a new Excel file.
# Let's add a sheet to our Excel.

let newsheet = excel.addSheet "new-sheet"
doAssert newsheet.name == "new-sheet"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet1", "new-sheet"]

# above, we add a new sheet with supplied of the new-sheet name.
# By checking with `sheetNames` proc, we see two sheets' name.

# Let's see what happen when we add a sheet without supplying the name
let sheet3 = excel.addSheet
doAssert sheet3.name == "Sheet3"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet1", "new-sheet", "Sheet3"]

# While the default name quite unexpected, we can guess the "num" part
# for default sheet naming is related to how many we added/invoked
# the `addSheet` proc. We'll see below example why it's done like this.

# Let's add again
let anewsheet = excel.addSheet "new-sheet"
doAssert anewsheet.name == "new-sheet"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet1", "new-sheet", "Sheet3", "new-sheet"]

# Here, we added a new sheet using existing sheet name.
# This can be done because internally Excel workbook holds the reference of
# sheets is by using its id instead of the name. Hence adding a same name
# for new sheet is possible.
# For the consquence, let's see what happens when we delete a sheet below

# work fine case
excel.deleteSheet "Sheet1"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["new-sheet", "Sheet3", "new-sheet"]

# deleting sheet with name "new-sheet"

excel.deleteSheet "new-sheet"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet3", "new-sheet"]

# will delete the older one since it's the first the sheet found with "new-sheet" name
# when there's no name available, Excel file will do nothing.

excel.deleteSheet "aww-sheet"
doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet3", "new-sheet"]

# still same as before.
# Below example we illustrate how to get by sheet name.

anewsheet.row(1)["A"] = "temptest"
doAssert anewsheet.row(1)["A", string] == "temptest"
discard excel.addSheet "new-sheet" # add a new to make it duplicate
let foundOlderSheet = excel.getSheet "new-sheet"
doAssert foundOlderSheet.row(1)["A", string] == "temptest"

# Here we get sheet by name, and like deleting the sheet, fetching/getting
# the sheet also returning the older sheet of the same name.

doAssert excel.sheetNames == @["Sheet3", "new-sheet", "new-sheet"]
excel.writeFile ("many-sheets.xlsx")

# Write it to file and open it with our favorite Excel viewer to see 3 sheets:
# Sheet3, new-sheet and new-sheet.
# Using libreoffice to view the Excel file, the duplicate name will be appended with
# format {sheetName}-{numDuplicated}.
# We can replicate that behaviour too but currently we support duplicate sheet name.

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Cell Formula

We support rudimentary of filling and fetching cell with format of Formula.

from std/math import cbrt
from excelin import
    newExcel,   # the usual for creating empty excel
    row,        # for fetching row from sheet
    toCol,      # to get string column from integer
    Formula,    # the cell type object this example for.
    `[]=`,      # fill cell
    `[]`,       # fetch cell
    writeFile,  # finally, to write to file

let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()
let row1 = sheet.row 1

# Let's setup some simple data in a row 1 with col A..J simple seq of int

var sum = 0 # this will be our calculated result
for i in 0 .. 9:
    row1[i.toCol] = i
    sum += i

# Here, we simply fill A1 = 0, B1 = 1, ... J1 = 9
# while the equation is to sum values from cell A to J in K1.
# Additionally, we'll add another example which depend
# on another formula cell with equation CUBE(K1) in L1

row1[10.toCol] = Formula(equation: "SUM(A1:J1)", valueStr: $sum)
let cubesum = cbrt(float64 sum)
row1[11.toCol] = Formula(equation: "CUBE(K1)", valueStr: $cubesum)

# Formula has two public fields, equation which is the formula string itself
# and valueStr, the string of calcluated value.
# Let's fetch and check it

let fmr = row1["k", Formula]
doAssert fmr.equation == "SUM(A1:J1)"
doAssert fmr.valueStr == "45"
let f1l = row1["l", Formula]
doAssert f1l.equation == "CUBE(K1)"
doAssert f1l.valueStr == $cubesum

# As this is rudimentary support for formula format, the equation itself
# is simply string that we'll fill to cell, and the value is something
# that we calculate manually on our end.

# What if we fill another formula with its equation only? The value is simply
# nothing since we didn't fill its value.

let row1["m"] = Formula(equation: "L1")
let f1m = row1["m", Formula]
doAssert f1m.equation == "L1"
doAssert f1m.valueStr == ""

# lastly, as usual, let's write to file and check it other excel viewer apps.
# note for cell M1 as we supplied empty value in above.
excel.writeFile "excelin-sum-example.xlsx"

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Cell styling

In this example we’ll see various styling provided for cells in row.

import std/colors # to work with coloring
from std/sequtils import repeat
from std/strutils import join
from excelin import
    BorderProp,  # The object of Border which style is ready to be applied
    BorderStyle, # Enum for selecting border style,
                 # not to confuse with `borderStyle` proc for setting up
                 # style mentioned below section
    PatternType, # Enum for selecting fill style pattern

    # This part of APIs is for setting up the style.
    # The naming pattern is `{objectTypeName}style` viz.
    # Font -> fontStyle
    # Border -> borderStyle
    # etc

    # For linking style between cells
    # This part of APIs is for getting the style.
    # The naming pattern is `style{ObjectTypeName}` viz.
    # Font -> styleFont, Fill -> styleFill, Border -> styleBorder


let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()
let row2 = sheet.row 2

## Let's fill some data.
row2["D"] = "temperian temptest"

## Now we want to set some style for this particular cell D2.
    font = fontStyle(
        name = "DejaVu Sans Mono",
        size = 11,
        color = $colBlue, # blue font
    border = borderStyle(
        top = borderPropStyle(style = bsMedium, color = $colRed),
        bottom = borderPropStyle(style = bsMediumDashDot, color = $colGreen),
    fill = fillStyle(
        pattern = patternFillStyle(patternType = ptLightGrid, fgColor = $colRed)
    # Lastly alignment as openarray of pair (string, string),
    # using openarray for easier to iterate and can be selectively
    # chosen which style to be applied, other attributes that not recognized
    # by excel will do nothing.
    alignment = {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "center",
        "wrapText": $true, "textRotation": $45})
# Libreoffice apparently doesn't support grid filling hence the bgColor is
# ignored and only read the fgColor.
# Above we setup the style after putting the value, the reverse is valid too.
# i.e. set the style and put the value.
# For setting up font, border and fill, we're using object initializer proc
# with pattern of "{objectName}Style".

    border = borderStyle(`end` = borderPropStyle(style = bsDashDot, color = $colAzure)),
    alignment = {"wrapText": $true},
let longstr = "brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".repeat(5).join(";")
row2["E"] = longstr

# We can also modify set style and change the existing

row2.style "D", alignment = {"textRotation": $90}

# here, we changed the alignment style from diagonal direction (45∘)  to upstand (90∘).
# We can also share a cell style to other cells and since it's shared, any changes to
# other cells for its styling will affect all others cell it's related.

sheet.shareStyle("D2", "D4", "E4", "F4")
row2.shareStyle("D", "D4", "E4", "F4")

# Above, we shares D2 cell style to cells D4, E4, and F4 using two differents
# proc which work same. This way we can work whether we only have the sheet
# or we already have the row.

# Another way is to copyStyle, as its named so, we copy style from source cell
# to target cell(s). This way any changes to any cells it's copied from and to
# will not affect each others.

sheet.copyStyle("D2", "D5", "E5", "F5")
row2.copyStyle("D", "D5", "E5", "F5")

# Apart from sharing and/or copying the style, we can actually fetch the specific
# setting from cell style.

let font = row2.styleFont "D"
doAssert font.name == "DejaVu Sans Mono"
doAssert font.size == 11
doAssert font.color == $colBlue
doAssert font.family == -1  # negative value means it will be ignored when applying syle
doAssert font.charset == -1 # idem
let fill = sheet.styleFill "D2"
doAssert fill.pattern.fgColor == $colRed
doAssert fill.pattern.patternType == ptLightGrid
doAssert fill.gradient.stop.color == "" # we didn't set the gradient when setting the fillStyle
doAssert fill.gradient.stop.position == 0.0
let border = sheet.styleBorder "D2"
doAssert border.top.style == bsMedium
doAssert border.top.color == $colRed
doAssert border.bottom.style == bsMediumDashDot
doAssert border.bottom.color == $colGreen

# Above, we fetch specifically for font, fill, and border using two different (which work same)
# ways, row proc and sheet proc. Sheet proc underlyingly is using row proc too but both
# are provided in case we only has row or sheet. The only difference that row only needs to
# specified the column while the sheet needs to to specify column row cell.

# Now we want to see the cell in its row.
# Since the cell E2 is quite long and with its alignment has wrapText true, we can also
# manually change the row height to see all the text.

row2.height = 200

# By definition, the value is point but it's not clear the relation what's the point points.
# So if we want to leave how the height for other application to read, we can reset by
# setting the height 0

row2.height = 0

# But let's set back to 200 to see how it looks when written to excel file.

row2.height = 200
doAssert row2.height == 200

# And of course we can check what's its set height like above,
# return 0 if the height reset.

excel.writeFile "excelin-example-row-style.xlsx"

This is what it looks like when viewed with Libreoffice.

cell style

And below is what it looks like when viewed with WPS spreadsheet.

cell style in wps

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Row display

In this example, we’ll see how to hide, adding the outline level and collapse the row.

import std/with
import excelin

let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()

template hideLevel(rnum, olevel: int): untyped =
  let r = sheet.row rnum
  with r:
    hide = true
    outlineLevel = olevel
sheet.row(2).hide = true
discard 3.hideLevel 3
discard 4.hideLevel 2
discard 5.hideLevel 1
let row6 = 6.hideLevel 1
row6.collapsed = true

let row7 = sheet.row 7
row7.outlineLevel = 7 # we'll use this to reset the outline below

# Above example we setup 3 rows, row 3 - 5 which each has different
# outline level decreasing from 3 to 1.
# For row 6, we set it to be collapsed by setting it true.
# Let's reset the row 7 outline level by set it to 0.

row7.outlineLevel = 0

excel.writeFile "excelin-example-row-display.xlsx"

rows outline collapsing

As we can see above, the row 2 is hidden with outline level 0 so we can’t see it anymore.
While row 3, 4, 5 has different outline level with row 6 has outline level 1 and it’s collapsed.
So we can expand and collapse due different outline level.

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Sheet auto filter

In this example, we’ll see how to add auto filter by setting ranges to sheet.

from std/strformat import fmt
import excelin

# Let's add a function for easier to populate data in row.
proc populateRow(row: Row, col, cat: string, data: array[3, float]) =
  let startcol = col.toNum + 1
  row[col] = cat
  var sum = 0.0
  for i, d in data:
    row[(startcol+i).toCol] = d
    sum += d
  let rnum = row.rowNum
  let eqrange = fmt"SUM({col}{rnum}:{(startcol+data.len-1).toCol}{rnum})" 
  dump eqrange
  row[(startcol+data.len).toCol] = Formula(equation: eqrange, valueStr: $sum)

# The row data we will work in will be in format
# D{rnum}: string (Category)
# E{rnum}: float (Num1)
# F{rnum}: float (Num2)
# G{rnum}: float (Num3)
# H{rnum}: float (Total) with formula SUM(E{rnum}:G{rnum})

let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()
let row5 = sheet.row 5
let startcol = "D".toNum
for i, s in ["Category", "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Total"]:
  row5[(startcol+i).toCol] = s
# Above, we set the row 5 starting from D to H i.e. D5:H5  
# as header for data we will work on.

sheet.row(6).populateRow("D", "A", [0.18460660235998017, 0.93463071023892952, 0.58647760893211043])
sheet.row(7).populateRow("D", "A", [0.50425224796279555, 0.25118866081991786, 0.26918159410869791])
sheet.row(8).populateRow("D", "A", [0.6006019062877066, 0.18319235857964333, 0.12254334000604317])
sheet.row(9).populateRow("D", "A", [0.78015011938458589, 0.78159963723670689, 6.7448346870105036E-2])
sheet.row(10).populateRow("D", "B", [0.63608141933645479, 0.35635845012920608, 0.67122053637107193])
sheet.row(11).populateRow("D", "B", [0.33327331908137214, 0.2256497329592122, 0.5793989116090501])

sheet.ranges = ("D5", "H11")
sheet.autoFilter = ("D5", "H11")

# We set the range to sheet by assigning Range which is (top left cell, bottom right cell).
# Setting up range will not setup the auto filter but setup the auto filter will setup
# sheet range.
# We can remove the auto filter by supplying it with empty range ("", "").

# Let's fill the filtering itself.

sheet.filterCol 0, Filter(kind: ftFilter, valuesStr: @["A"])

# Here, we setup simple filter that will be equal to what value it's provided.
# In above case, we filter the Category column which has value "A", and "B" so
# we only get the column that has Category "A". We can also the valuesStr with
# @["A", "B"] to get both of data. If there's N data we want to match, supply
# those all in valuesStr field.

# Below we see another supported filter, custom logic filter

sheet.filterCol 1, Filter(kind: ftCustom, logic: cflAnd,
  customs: @[(foGt, $0), (foLt, $0.7)])

# here we provide the filter with filter type custom (ftCustom)
# with its logic "and" (cflAnd).
# In this custom filter, we set the column 1, which Num1 to be
# value greater than 0 (foGt) and less than 0.7 (foLt)

excel.writeFile "excelin-example-autofilter.xlsx"

resulted sheet auto filter range

Above is the result from Google sheet.

resulted sheet auto filter range in wps spreadsheet

And this is screenshot when checked with WPS spreadsheet. The difference with Google sheet that in WPS the column 0 (Category) and column 1 (Num1) has different icon because the filtering already defined in those two columns in our example.

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Cell merge

For this example, we’ll see how to merge, reset it and also reset style inherited from previous merged cells.

import std/colors
import excelin

let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()

let cellsToMerge = [
  ("DejaVu Sans Mono", 1, "A", colGreen, ("A1", "E1")), # merge in range A1:E1 with font Dejavu Sans Mono
  ("Roboto", 3, "A", colBlue, ("A3", "B5")),
  ("Verdana", 3, "D", colRed, ("D3", "E5")),
  ("Consolas", 7, "A", colBlack, ("A7", "E8"))          # used for deleting merged cells example

for (fontname, rownum, col, color, `range`) in cellsToMerge:
  let row = sheet.row rownum
    #font = fontStyle(name = fontname, size = 13, color = $color),
    font = fontStyle(name = fontname, size = 13),
    alignment = {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "center"},
    fill = fillStyle(
      pattern = patternFillStyle(patternType = ptLightTrellis, fgColor = $color),
  row[col] = fontname
  sheet.mergeCells = `range`

# Let's remove the last merged cells.
sheet.resetMerge cellsToMerge[^1][4]

# By default, when resetting merge, the existing style (top left cell style)
# is copied to its subsequent cells in the previous range.
# We can use resetStyle to remove it.

# The reset merge in range A7:E8, we selectively reset cells.
sheet.resetStyle("B7", "D7", "A8", "C8", "E8")

excel.writeFile "excelin-example-merge-cells.xlsx"

This is the result when viewed with Libreoffice

cell merges libreoffice

This is the result when viewed with WPS

cell merges wps

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Sheet page breaks

This example we’ll see how to add page break to our sheet.

from std/strformat import fmt
import std/colors
import excelin

let (excel, sheet) = newExcel()

# Let's add page break inserted at row 10 with some info

let row10 = sheet.row 10
row10["A"] = "Above this is the horizontal page break"
  fill = fillStyle(
    pattern = patternFillStyle(patternType = ptLightGray, fgColor = $colRed),
  alignment = {"horizontal": "center"},

# For better illustration, we merge cells from column A to A+3 in
# row 10, the last cell will be merged vertically

sheet.mergeCells = ("A10", fmt"{3.toCol}10") # remember toCol needs 0-based hence 3 is D
sheet.mergeCells = ("E1", "E10")

# Now let's add vertical page break after column E or inserted at column F.

let row1 = sheet.row 1
row1[4.toCol] = "Right this is the vertical page break"
  fill = fillStyle(
    pattern = patternFillStyle(patternType = ptLightGray, fgColor = $colGreen),
  alignment = {"vertical": "center", "wrapText": $true},

excel.writeFile "excelin-example-pagebreak.xlsx"

The result as we can see below when viewed with Libreoffice

page breaks libreoffice

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Excelin requires minimum Nim version of v1.4.0.

For installation, we can choose several methods will be mentioned below.

Using Nimble package (when it’s available):

nimble install excelin

Or to install it locally

git clone https://github.com/mashingan/excelin
cd excelin
nimble develop

or directly from Github repo

nimble install https://github.com/mashingan/excelin 

to install the #head branch

nimble install https://github.com/mashingan/excelin@#head
nimble install excelin@#head
