

A simple graph implementation library. To scrutiny the trail when walking the graph, define trail to see in stdout the nodes visited. Compile it:

$ nim c -d:trail yourcodefile

The current implementation walks into graph nodes to find the connection between origin node to destination node without specifically calculating weight cost. The weight cost actually user-calculated by defining proc cost[T, C](n1, n2: T): C with C is must be comparable (<) and addable (+). This function will be used when searching path using A*.


from sequtils import mapIt
import graflib

# we build undirected empty graph
var graph = buildGraph[string]()
doAssert(graph.vertices.len == 0)
doAssert(graph.edges.len == 0)

# Add edgest to our graph
graph.addEdges [
  ("origin1", "destination1"),
  ("origin2", "destination2"),
  ("origin1", "destination2"),
  ("origin1", "origin2")
].mapIt( initEdge(it[0], it[1]) )
doAssert(graph.edges.len == 4)
doAssert(graph.vertices.len == 4)

# Find paths from origin to destination node
var paths = graph.paths("origin1", "destination2")
doAssert(paths.len == 2)
doAssert(paths[0] == @["origin1", "destination2"]

# degree = indegree + outdegree
doAssert("origin1") == 3)
doAssert("origin2") == 2)

# Another version would be defining edge each time node visited
var graph2 = buildGraph[string]()
func next(s: string; edges: seq[Edge[string]]): seq[string] =
  if s == "origin1":
    return @["destination1", "destination2", "origin2"]
  if s == "origin2":
    return @["destination2", "origin1"]
  if s == "destination1":
    return @["origin1"]
  if s == "destination2":
    return @["origin1", "origin2"]
paths = graph2.paths("origin1", "destination2")
doAssert(paths.len == 2)
doAssert(paths[0] == @["origin1", "destination2"]

With user-defined neighboring, user can keep their own structure to search for next nodes to visit. Above example is illustrated a constant and hard-coded connection from each nodes but user can use, for example, table to keep nodes' connections and can be added removed dynamically during the program running. When walking the connected graph, we use defined == for Vertex comparison. Hence if we use a specialized type for Vertex label, we need to define == operator for our type.

With additional A* search (proc a*), users must provide additional procs to make it works. Read the a* proc documentation for the detail.


Graph[T] = object
  directed*: bool              ## If true, every edge has only a direction
                ## for each time its defined.
  vertices*: seq[T]            ## Vertices or nodes
  edges*: seq[Edge[T]]         ## Edge which spanned between node1 and node2
Graph type that implemented generically using T type as the node.   Source Edit
Vertex[T] = T
Alias left-over from previous dev version   Source Edit
Edge[T] = object
  node1*: T
  node2*: T
Representation of two connected nodes.   Source Edit
GraphRef[T] = ref Graph[T]
Reference-type graph.   Source Edit


proc `==`(a, b: Edge): bool
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proc initEdge[T](n1, n2: T): Edge[T]
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proc isDirected(graph: Graph): bool
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proc contains(graph: Graph; vertice: Vertex): bool
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proc contains[T](graph: Graph[T]; edge: Edge[T]): bool
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proc contains[T](edge: Edge[T]; vertex: Vertex[T]): bool
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proc addVertices[T](graph: var Graph[T]; vertices: varargs[T])
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proc addEdges[T](graph: var Graph; edges: varargs[Edge[T]])
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proc addEdges[T](graph: var Graph; edges: varargs[(T, T)])
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proc buildGraph[T](vertices: openArray[Vertex[T]] = @[];
                  edges: openArray[Edge[T]] = @[]; directed: bool = false;
                  weighted: bool = false): Graph[T]
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proc neighbors[T](graph: Graph[T]; vertex: T): seq[T]
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proc `$`[T](graph: Graph[T]): string
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proc `$`(edge: Edge): string
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proc indegree[T](graph: Graph[T]; vertex: T): int
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proc outdegree[T](graph: Graph[T]; vertex: T): int
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proc degree(graph: Graph; vertex: Vertex): int
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proc buildDigraph[T](): Graph
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proc newGraph[T](): GraphRef[T]
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proc isConnected[T](graph: Graph[T]): bool
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proc paths[T](graph: Graph[T]; v1, v2: sink Vertex[T]): unown seq[seq[Vertex[T]]]

Paths is searching for all availables path from v1 to v2. By default searching for paths is not cycled, e.g. we have edges, a->b, b->c, c->d, a->c, a->d, c->b when we searched a-b-c and c has path to b, since it's not cycled c cannot visit b once more because it's has been visited. By defining the func isCycle(node: N): bool we can make a rule that it can visit more than once for a node. By default it's not defined and defaulting to false, or in other word, not cycled.

Users can provide custom next nodes by defining proc next(node: N, edges: seq[Edge[N]]): seq[N] for their particular purpose. The arg edges is the current edges that graph has. It's supplied when users want to use it but in most cases they can ignore it.

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proc shortestPath[T](graph: Graph[T]; v1, v2: T): seq[Vertex[T]] {...}{.
    deprecated: "Use `a*` proc for better customized search".}
Deprecated: Use `a*` proc for better customized search
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proc adjacencyMatrix[T](graph: Graph[T]): seq[seq[int]]
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proc incidenceMatrix(graph: Graph): seq[seq[int]]
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proc deleteVertex[T](graph: var Graph[T]; vertex: Vertex[T]): bool
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proc deleteEdge[T](graph: var Graph[T]; edge: Edge[T]): bool
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proc `<`[T, C](p1, p2: PriorityNode[T, C]): bool
Internal function. Won't be usable because the PriorityNode itself is private. Added to support priority queue that requires this operator visible in the priority queue module.   Source Edit
proc a*[T, C](graph: var Graph[T]; start, goal: T): seq[Vertex[T]]
A* search based on its start (v1) label (v2) to end. Users need to provide accessible proc cost(v1, v2: T): C and proc distance(v1, v2: T): C with T is matched with Graph[T] and C is Addable and Comparable type. In rare case users could also need to provide operator "+" and "<" for C that returns the C type itself viz
proc `+`(cost1, cost2: C): C
proc `<`(cost1, cost2: C): bool
. Additionally users could be needed to provide the hash proc for T, i.e proc hash(t: T): Hash. Check the std/hashes on how to do it.   Source Edit


iterator iterPaths[T](graph: Graph[T]; v1, v2: T): seq[T]
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template label(v: untyped): untyped
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